Monday, October 24, 2005


i am dyinG
little by littlE
i can feel myself slipping awaY

be it a combination of drugs and paiN
or the immense sorrow at bearing another daY
i will cease at some poinT

i am unsurE
how it will happeN
when it will happeN
but it approacheS

the anguish iS
like a cancer swelling in my souL
it emanates from my abdomeN
enveloping my complete beinG

the grounding lines
i have gripped so lonG
have disappeareD
i have ceased to flail abouT

choice is no longer minE
submitting to will is not my choicE
it is what it iS

perhaps in the darkness to comE
the escape I have sought so lonG
will become minE

a conscious mind no longer awarE
memories of the past losT
no awareness of the presenT
no troubling fears for the futurE

all the people forgotteN
faces and actions simply eraseD
caught inside the minD
opened so casually and spilt into the graynesS

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