Thursday, May 19, 2005


How do you define less than stellar mental healthcare?

Therapists with bleached blonde hair.
Therapists who utter "Chao" instead of goodbye.
Therapists who wear thumb rings.
Therapists who say you are wrong about the benefits of your healthplan.
Theapists who are 35 minutes late for an appointment.
Therapy offices with folding chairs.
Psychiatrists who prescribe the wrong med because they confused you with someone else.
APRN's that diagnose conditions and then say some other person did it.

A bit severe?
But not in my little corner of the universe.

Friday, May 06, 2005


Another day
more changes
drop xxxx to 100 mgs
increase xxx to 100 mgs
and wait

wait to see if my system
can handle it
wait to see if my brain
will react in the right way

maybe it's not the drugs
maybe it's the depression
she says so casually
huh? i whisper dumbfounded
aren't all these drugs suppose
to control the depression?
no reply

in my mind's eye
i see them
altering and creating
moving and evolving
making it all better
when will it be?
today is not just another day
why can't it be THE day

THE day when I will
work correctly
when all the wires
will pass the impluses
fire accordingly
and release the proper chemicals


Another day

Thursday, May 05, 2005

drugs to control
drugs to manage
drugs to feel alive
drugs to chase the shadows away

used to
to relieve symptoms of depression,
generalized anxiety disorder,
and social anxiety disorder (social phobia)
dosage: 300 mgs per day

used to treat the symptoms of psychotic conditions,
including hallucinations, delusions, and confusion.
dosage: 125 mgs per day

the exact way the drug works is unknown.
However, it is believed that it affects chemicals
in the brain involved in seizures and in bipolar disorder.
dosage: 50 mgs per day

used to relieve anxiety, nervousness,
and tension
associated with anxiety disorders,
also used to treat panic disorders.

dosage: 1 mg as needed

used to treat manic episodes of manic-depressive illness.
Lithium helps to prevent and control symptoms of mania
such as hyperactivity, rushed speech, poor judgment,
reduced need for sleep, aggression, and anger.
dosage: 600 mgs per day


drugs to control
drugs to manage
drugs to feel alive
drugs to chase the shadows away