Friday, April 13, 2007

Freedom of speech used for hate?

I've spent a good amount of time thinking about the performance of the comedian Damn Fool on the P. Diddy show, check yesterday's post for the specifics. So incensed about this issue I actually phoned HBO and had a conversation with someone from the consumer affairs department. I paused in my righteous anger and listened closely to Rosie O'Donnell talk about freedom of speech. Rosie's assertion is that should we begin to infringe upon this founding principle of our government we may soon be living in an Orwellian society controlled by some shrouded governmental authority. While I understand her point and cannot deny that with the current administration we were moving in that direction I firmly believe that there must be a balance somewhere between the two.

These days it seems that there is such a fine line where free speech becomes abusive or irresponsible. If free speech is used to intentionally or callously hurt groups of people than how protected should it be? Don Imus did this, using words to belittle the Rutger's players. He was irresponsible and was called to task for it. I believe in the final analysis history will remember him for the bigoted things he said. As for the P. Diddy show I can only hope that some national figure will raise the issue and make those responsible for producing, airing and distributing such discriminatory material take notice that they are being watched.

Photo: ©2003-2007 ~shiiizzzam

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