Thursday, April 05, 2007

Sinus infections and the beginning of spring

So, it's here, spring-time. What does it mean to me? Sinus infections, breathing issues and generally feeling like holy crap. Just got off the phone with the GP requesting an anti-biotic to help with the infection. Have been laying around for 4 days now with this. Every season change is it the same.

Had surgery to correct a deviated septum a few years back, the doctor told me it would take care of my problems. It did for a short while, but they're back with full force. My GP told me that living in Connecticut is the cause, more allergy problems than any other New England state. Makes me wish to live out west where it is at least dry and generally treeless. Meanwhile I'll head back to my bed on the couch and hope that the anti-biotic the doctor will order shortly will offer some relief.

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